
You can search for recipes from the search text box below the add recipes button of the recipes view page. Type your keywords delimited by either a space, comma or both. Then press the enter key to fire the search.

Basic Search

The basic search is one where the user types something in the search box without using any of the advanced search concepts.

The default search mode is Full search. In other words, your query will search the following fields of all recipes belonging to you:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Category
  • Ingredients
  • Instructions
  • Keywords
  • Source
  • Tools

The results will be ranked based on their relevance to the search terms.

Advanced Search

The advanced search feature lets you tailor the search query to specific requirements. It is similar to using advanced search features in google. For example, searching for magnetic declination in Google will yield results containing the terms magnetic declination for websites of the .edu top-level domain.

The following table provide examples of how to perform various searches. You may combine any of the searches in any order.

Any fieldbig green squash
By categorycat:dinner
Multiple categoriescat:breakfast,dinner
Any field of categorychicken cat:dinner
By namename:chicken kyiv
By name and categoryname:chicken kyiv cat:lunch
Any field, name and categorybest name:chicken kyiv cat:lunch
By descriptiondesc:tender savory stacked
Multiple descriptionsdesc:tender savory stacked,juicy crispy pieces chicken
By cuisinecuisine:ukrainian
Multiple cuisinescuisine:ukrainian,japanese
By ingredienting:onions
Multiple ingredientsing:olive oil,thyme,butter
By instructionins:preheat oven 350
Multiple instructionsins:preheat oven 350,melt butter
By keywordtag:biscuits
Multiple keywordstag:biscuits,mardi gras
By Tooltool:frying pan
Multiple toolstool:frying pan,wok


You may access the advanced search help dialog by clicking the info button to the far left of the search bar.