Configuration File

Configuration File

The configuration file sets important variables for the application. Let’s go over each of them.

You don’t need to create this file if you don’t use Docker because it will be created during the one-time setup. The admin may change most of these options from the settings.
  • email
    • from: The email address of your SendGrid account. Default: "".
    • sendGridAPIKey: Your SendGrid API key. The free tier should be sufficient for your needs. Default: "".
  • integrations
    • azureDocumentIntelligence
      • key: The KEY 1 variable displayed in the Keys and endpoint tab of your Azure AI Document Intelligence resource in the Azure Portal. Default: "".
      • endpoint: The Endpoint variable displayed in the Keys and endpoint tab of your Document Intelligence resource in the Azure Portal. Default: "".- server
  • server
    • autologin: Whether to login automatically into the application. Useful when you don’t need user accounts. Can be true or false. Default: false.
    • isDemo: Whether the app is a demo version. Can be true or false. Default: false.
    • isProduction: Whether the app is in production. Can be true or false. Default: false.
    • noSignups: Whether to disable user account registrations. Set to true when you don’t want people to create accounts. Default: false.
    • port: The port the app will be served through if localhost. Is required.
    • url: The website the app is served on. This URL will serve as the base link in the emails. Is required.


The following table lists deprecated environment variables in v1.2.0. They will be removed in v1.3.0.

integrations.azureComputerVision.resourceKeyReplaced the use of Azure AI Vision to digitize recipes in favor of Azure AI Document Intelligence.
integrations.azureComputerVision.visionEndpointSame as above.